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《关于加快战略性新兴产业发展的若干政策意见》(温政办)〔2018〕116 号参考译文
时间:2018-12-01 14:10:58 浏览次数: 来源:市投资促进局 字号:[ ]

ZJCC01 – 2018 – 0016





(Issued by the People’s Government of Wenzhou [2018] No. 116)


Opinions on the Policies of Further Accelerating the Development of Strategic Emerging Industries

为贯彻落实《国务院关于印发十三五国家战略性新兴产业发展规划的通知》(国发〔201667 号)、《浙江省人民政府办公厅关于印发浙江省培育发展战略性新兴产业行动计划 2017-2020 年)的通知》(浙政办发〔2017100 号)等文件精神,培育壮大我市经济发展新动能,进一步推进我市战略性新兴产业提质提速发展,特制定本政策意见。

In order to implement the Circular of the State Council on Issuing the National Strategic Emerging Industry Development Plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan (Issued by the State Council [2016] No. 67) and the Circular of the General Office of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province on Issuing the Action Plan for Fostering and Developing Strategic Emerging Industries in Zhejiang Province (2017-2020) (Issued by the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province [2017] No. 100) etc., the following measures will be taken to nurture the new economic growth drivers of Wenzhou, and further promote the high-quality development of Wenzhou’s strategic emerging industries, the following policies are formulated.


I Build the potential cluster for the strategic emerging industry

1.推进重点平台核心产业集聚发展。依托各地产业基础和资 源禀赋,加快发展一批核心战略性新兴产业,着重支持发展数字 经济、智能装备、生命健康、新能源智能网联汽车、新材料等五 大重点产业。对市区范围内的“3+12”核心产业平台,战略性新兴产业年增加值达到20亿元以上的,市财政给予平台基础奖励 100万元,20亿元以上部分每增加20亿元的,再给予100万元奖励,累计奖励不超过500万元。

1. Promote the clustering of the core industries on key platforms. Rely on the existing local industrial sectors and advantages in the relevant resources, accelerate the development of a number of core strategic emerging industries, focusing on five key industries, including the digital economy, intelligent equipment, life and health, new energy and intelligent internet-based vehicles and new materials. For the “3+12” core industry platform located within the City, if the strategic emerging industries of this platform have an annual added value over RMB 2 billion, then the municipal government will grant the platform with a basic bonus of RMB 1 million, and the extra RMB 1 million for each RMB 2 billion beyond the first RMB 2 billion mentioned above, and up to a maximum of RMB 5 million.

2.加快建设万亩千亿新产业平台。支持企业积极参与开发建设万亩千亿产业平台,对成功列入浙江省万亩千亿新产业平台创建名单并以企业为主导开发的,市财政给予市场创建主体300万元奖励(同一平台如有多个市场创建主体,由多个市场创建主体共享300万元奖励资金),其中获批省万亩千亿新产业平台创建资格,先期拨付 40%奖励资金;通过验收命名为省万亩千亿新产业示范平台,再拨付余下奖励资金。省万亩千亿新产业示范平台,可参与申报五大平台争创创新载体奖励资金。省万亩千亿新产业示范平台内新建自持自用楼宇的(不分割产权),可参照浙南科技城新型产业用地(M0)政策。

2. Pick up the pace in building the “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial platform. Support enterprises to actively participate in the campaign of building the “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial platform, for the enterprise which has been included into the List of Founders for the “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial platform of Zhejiang Province and engaged into the construction of such platform as the leading party, the municipal government will reward such enterprise with RMB 3 million (if there are multiple parties in building such platform, then the reward will be shared among these parties), and 40% of such reward will be disbursed in advance for the enterprises which have been approved to build the “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial platform at provincial level; and the rest will be cashed in after such platform is accepted and officially named as the provincial “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial demonstration platform. The provincial “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial demonstration platform is qualified to be the candidate for the reward for the “five major innovation platforms”. The (M0) land use policy of Zhenan Technology City is applicable to those building self-owned and self-used premises which are located in the “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial demonstration platform.

3.谋划建设战略性新兴产业特色基地。开展温州市战略性新 兴产业特色基地培育工作,支持引进国内外有实力的龙头企业, 在各类开发区(园区)以园中园等形式集中开发建设战略性新兴 产业特色基地,对列入市级战略性新兴产业特色基地培育名单 的,在三年建设期内实行年度考核,每次考核通过的,市财政补 100万元。

3. Build the strategic emerging industry base with unique characteristics. Facilitate the construction of Wenzhou strategic emerging industry base with unique characteristics, introduce the domestic and foreign leading enterprises to build the strategic emerging industry base with unique characteristics as the sub-park in various types of development zones (parks), if the base is included in the municipal strategic emerging industries characteristic base cultivation list and passes each of the annual assessment during the three-year construction period, then the municipal government will grant such base with the subsidy of RMB 1 million.


II Make more efforts to introduce the project in the strategic emerging industries

4.着力招引战略性新兴产业大项目。对在温落地的实际固定 资产投资超过3亿元(实到外资超过1000万美元)、有独立法人 资格的新增战略性新兴产业项目(不含产业园区类),从正式投 产年度起5年内对其给予奖励,奖励额度参照前3年按项目所形 成地方综合贡献度的总额、后2年减半确定。

4. Make efforts to attract large projects in the strategic emerging industries. If a project in such industry (excluding industrial park construction project) is introduced in Wenzhou, which has the actual fixed asset investment over RMB 300 million (the actually invested foreign capital over USD 10 million) and has independent legal personality, then the reward will be granted to such project within 5 years counted from the year when it becomes operational, and the amount of which is defined by the total amount of its comprehensive contribution to the local economy for the first 3 years and by the half of such amount for the last 2 years.

5.引导重大项目向重点平台集聚。落户五大平台、省万亩千亿新产业示范平台、市级战略性新兴产业特色基地、省市级特色小镇,并对全市产业发展具有辐射带动作用的战略性新兴产业重大项目、高科技前沿产业项目,平台可一事一议确定扶持措施。对在温落地的战略性新兴产业项目(不含产业园区类),固定资产投资达到3亿元或外资项目1000万美元,并形成等值 到位资金的,市本级财政按年度市外实到资金的0.5‰给予项目 实施地政府(管委会)不超过150万元的奖励,用于补助工作经 费。

5. Make efforts to cluster key projects in the key platforms. For the major projects and high-tech projects of the strategic emerging industries which are settled on the “five major platforms”, provincial “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial demonstration platform, municipal strategic emerging platform with unique characteristics and provincial or municipal characteristic towns and act as drivers for other sectors of Wenzhou, the tailored preferential policies could be introduced for such projects. To the strategic emerging industry project (excluding industrial park construction project) which is settled in Wenzhou, has the fixed asset investment of RMB 300 million or in case of foreign invested project which has the fixed asset investment of USD 10 million and had actually invested the equivalent value of the capital, the municipal government will grant the local government (administration committee) of such project with the subsidy amounting to 0.5‰ of the paid-in investment of such project in that fiscal year, and up to a maximum of RMB 1.5 million.

6.突出引进高水平外资企业和项目。对战略性新兴产业领域 新引进的世界500强企业外商投资项目,或总投资超过2亿美元 的外商投资大项目,当年实到外资1000万美元以上的,给予外 商投资企业200万元一次性奖励。对战略性新兴产业领域新引进 的独角兽企业外商投资项目,当年实到外资500万美元以上的, 给予外商投资企业100万元一次性奖励;对独角兽企业外商投资 项目研发人才、设备购置以及经认定的研发服务外包等研发投 入,按照实际研发投入给予20%、最高1000万元的补助。对外商投资企业,当年实到外资2000万美元以上(世界 500 强企业 投资的实到外资1000万美元以上),且投资我市战略性新兴产业 项目,从该年度起5年内,对年缴纳个人所得税达8万元以上的 员工给予奖励,奖励额度分三档参照个人所得税年纳税额8万元 (含)的部分、8万元至25万元(含)、超25万元所形成地方综合贡献度的50%70%100%确定。

6. Focus on introducing influential foreign-invested enterprises and projects. A one-time reward of RMB 2 million will be granted to the newly introduced foreign-invested projects of the strategic emerging industries which are invested by the Fortune 500 enterprises or have total investment over USD 200 million and registers a paid-in investment above USD 10 million in the year when the reward is considered. A one-time reward of RMB 1 million will be granted to the newly introduced foreign-invested projects of the strategic emerging industries which are invested by the unicorn company of foreign origin and registers a paid-in investment above USD 5 million in the year when the reward is considered. If a unicorn company of foreign origin invests in R&D personnel, equipment purchase and outsourced R&D services as recognized by the government, it will be granted with a subsidy to cover 20% of the actual R&D investment, and up to a maximum of RMB 10 million. For the foreign-invested enterprise which registers the paid-in investment of that year above USD 20 million (or above USD 10 million for the Fortune 500 enterprise) and invests in the Wenzhou’s strategic emerging industries, then the reward will be granted to its employee, who contributes the annual income tax above RMB 80,000, for 5 consecutive years counted from the year when such paid-in investment is registered, and the amount of which is defined as the 50%, 70% and 100% of the comprehensive contribution to local economy made by the part of tax no more than RMB 80,000, the part from RMB 80,000 to RMB 250,000 (including RMB 250,000) and the part more than RMB 250,000 respectively.


III Promote the construction of the major project in strategic emerging industries

7.争取省级以上重大产业发展专项。对列入国家新兴产业重 大工程、战略性新兴产业发展项目、创新能力建设等国家级重大 产业发展专项的项目,给予一次性50万元奖励。对2018年起新增列入浙江省重大产业项目的战略性新兴产业项目,按获得的用 地奖励指标给予1万元/亩、最高200万元奖励,其中项目完成开工任务并配合监测工作,先期拨付40%奖励资金;项目竣工投 产并监测达标后,再拨付余下奖励资金。

7. Encourage the introduction of the key industrial development project above the provincial level. A one-time award of RMB 500,000 will be granted to the project recognized as the national key industrial development projects such as the national major project of strategic emerging industries, the strategic emerging industry development project and the innovation capacity building project etc. The reward will be granted to the project recognized as the major provincial project of strategic emerging industry since 2018, and the amount of which is RMB 10,000 per mu of land occupied by such project and up to a maximum of RMB 2 million, and 40% of such reward will be disbursed in advance for the project which has already completed its initial construction and submitted itself to the performance evaluations carried out by the government; and the rest will be disbursed after such project is accepted and accessed as the one meeting the required performance target.

8.推进重大项目加快建设投产。围绕数字经济、智能装备、 生命健康、新能源智能网联汽车、新材料等重点发展产业,每年 滚动实施一批战略性新兴产业重点项目,对年度实际固定资产投 资超过1.5亿元的重点项目,每个给予100万元补助,同一项目 补助年限不超过 2年。

8. Accelerate the implementation of major projects. Focus on the key development industries such as digital economy, intelligent equipment, life and health, new energy and intelligent internet-based vehicles and new materials etc., a number of key projects in the strategic emerging industries will be rolled out every year, and each key project with actual annual fixed asset investment above RMB 150 million will be granted with a subsidy of RMB 1 million, and the duration for such subsidy will not exceed 2 years.


IV Develop the enterprises in the strategic emerging industries.

9.加快企业提档升级。新认定的规上战略性新兴产业企业连 续两年在库的,给予10万元奖励。支持有潜力的战略性新兴产 业企业加快成长,滚动建立战略性新兴产业企业重点提升库,对 当年提升库内企业实现战略性新兴产业年产值首次超过3000 元以上且增速达到 20%以上的,一次性奖励30万元。符合条件 的成长型、创新型战略性新兴产业企业引入外部资本、吸纳风投 资金的,优先纳入上市培育梯队。

9. Ramp up the efforts to upgrade the enterprises. A reward of RMB 100,000 will be granted to the enterprise which is newly recognized as the enterprise of the strategic emerging industries above the size designated by the government and remaining to be so for two consecutive years. Support the development of the newly founded enterprise of the strategic emerging industries in a faster pace, build a list of such enterprises, and a one-time reward will be granted to the enterprise which is included in such list and registers the annual output above RMB 30 million for the first time and a growth rate above 20%. The prioritized support will be provided to the potential enterprise of the strategic emerging industries which attracts investments and venture capitals, helping such enterprise to go public.

10.推进企业技术改造。战略性新兴产业企业一年内生产性 设备投资500万元以上的技改项目,按设备投资额的15%给予不 超过300万元的奖励。战略性新兴产业企业一年内生产性设备投 200万元至500万元的技改项目,按设备投资额的10%给予奖 励,其中开展以能源高效化、生产清洁化、废弃物循环化为重点的绿色改造项目,按设备投资额的12%给予奖励。每年对企业购 置激光加工设备和引进激光与光电先进技术成果,按实际发生金 20%给予一次性补助,每家企业年度补助金额最高不超过 100 万元。

10. Promote the technological transformation and upgrading of the enterprise. The reward will be granted to the enterprise of the strategic emerging industries, which annually invests above RMB 5 million in the equipment for technical transformation and upgrading, to cover 15% of such investment, and up to a maximum of RMB 3 million. The reward will be granted to the enterprise of the strategic emerging industries, which annually invests RMB 2 million to RMB 5 million in the equipment for technical transformation and upgrading, to cover 10% of such investment, or to cover 12% of such investment if the invested equipment is for increasing the energy utilization efficiency, realizing cleaner production process or better recycling the waste materials. A one-time subsidy will be annually granted to the enterprise which procures laser processing equipment or adopts advanced laser or photoelectric technologies to cover 20% of the cost incurred in procuring such equipment or in adopting such technologies, and up to a maximum of RMB 1 million for individual enterprise each year.


V Make more efforts to nurture innovation capabilities

11.建设高水平产业创新服务平台。鼓励本地龙头企业、高 等院校、科研院所在战略性新兴产业领域谋划建设产业创新中 心,新认定的国家产业创新中心给予300万元奖励。对国家产业 创新中心获得国家财政补助的,按照1:1给予地方配套补助,补 助最高不超过1000万元。

11. Build the high level industrial service platform. Encourage the local leading enterprises, colleges and universities and research institutions to plan and build the industrial innovation centers of strategic and emerging industries, a reward of RMB 3 million will be granted to the newly recognized national industrial innovation center. If such center has already received the subsidy from the central government, then the municipal government will grant it with the same amount of the subsidy, up to a maximum of RMB 10 million.

12.实施重点产业领域科技攻坚。以竞争性分配方式每年遴 选不超过10个战略性新兴产业研发项目加以重点扶持,每个项 目三年内税务部门认定的实际研发投入不得少于1000万元,按 照项目三年内实际研发投入的25%给予一次性奖励,单个项目奖 励不超过500万元,其中软件企业三年实际研发投入门槛可降至 800万元。在电子信息、生物与新医药、航空航天、新材料、高 技术服务、新能源与节能、资源与环境、先进制造与自动化等国 家重点支持的高新技术领域以及移动互联网、物联网、大数据、 云计算、智能制造等新技术在特色优势产业的应用领域实施市级 重大科技创新攻关项目,按照项目评审结果分三类给予不超过 500万元、300万元和100万元的补助,其中企业承担的转化应用类项目财政补助比例不高于项目总经费的 25%

12. Lend the prioritized support to advance the technologies in the key industrial areas. Select and support up to 10 R&D projects of strategic emerging industries each year through competitive mechanism, each of such project shall, as recognized by the Tax Service, register no less than RMB 10 million of R&D investment for three years, and a one-time reward will be granted to such project to cover 25% of its actual R&D investment for these three years, and up to a maximum of RMB 5 million for individual project, except, the required R&D investment made by the software enterprise within three years could be only RMB 8 million. For those implementing the municipal key S&T innovation research projects in the high-tech fields supported by the central government, such as electronic information, biology and new medicine, aerospace, new materials, high-tech services, new energy and energy conservation, resources and environment and advanced manufacturing and automation, as well as in the characteristic and competitive industries adopting new technologies such as mobile internet, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, intelligent manufacturing etc., the subsidy of RMB 5 million, RMB 3 million and RMB 1 million will be disbursed accordingly to those classified into three different levels, and the subsidy granted to the enterprise which engages into the project featuring application of the latest technology shall not be higher than 25% of the total cost of such project.

13.推进制造业智能化改造。重点支持温州重点传统制造业 利用移动互联网、物联网、人工智能、大数据、云计算等支撑改 造提升和催生产业迭代式创新。列入国家级智能制造(含数字 化车间”“无人车间”“智能工厂”“无人工厂)试点示范项目的,按项目投资额30%给予不超过1000万元奖励;列入省级的按项目投资额25%给予不超过500万元奖励。每年择优支持不超过 20 个企业智能化技术改造示范项目,按智能设备和软件投资额的 20%给予不超过500万元奖励。

13. Promote the application of intelligent technologies in the manufacturing industry. Focus on supporting the efforts to apply the mobile Internet, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing etc. in the key traditional manufacturing industry of Wenzhou origin to transform and upgrade its manufacturing process and in such way to innovate. The reward will be granted to the national intelligent manufacturing (with the name including “digital workshop”, “unmanned workshop”, “intelligent factory” or “unmanned factory”) pilot demonstration project to cover 30% of the project investment, and up to a maximum of RMB 10 million; and the reward to such project at provincial level to cover 25% of its investment, and up to a maximum of RMB 5 million. Select, by merit, no more than 20 intelligent technology transformation demonstration projects each year for the reward, which is to cover 20% of the investment in the intelligent equipment and software, and up to a maximum of RMB 5 million.


VI Strengthen the element protection for the development of the strategic emerging industries

14.强化高端人才支撑。ABC 类人才领衔项目入驻省万亩千亿新产业示范平台的,给予三年按实际租金的全额补贴;平台项目急需和紧缺人才可在市级现有领军人才认定评定标准上适当放宽年龄、学历、职称等条件。领军人才落户省万亩千亿新产业示范平台的,优先推荐申报国家、省重大人才工程,同等 条件下市级重大人才工程优先给予支持,义务教育阶段子女可在 全市范围统筹安排入学。

14. Lend more support for the high-end talents. The subsidy will be granted to the project, which is managed by the talents classified as A, B or C level and is settled in the provincial “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial demonstration platform, to cover all of its actually paid rent; the requirements on the age, educational background and professional title specified in the leading talent evaluation metrics of Wenzhou could be relaxed to certain level for the talent who is urgently needed for the project on such platform. The talent who manages the project on the “10 thousand mu of land and RMB 100 billion” new industrial demonstration platform will be taken as the prioritized candidate in applying for the national or provincial major talent project, and the project which is managed by the municipal key talent will have prioritized support from the government, and the children of such talents are eligible for any school located within the City.

15.强化财政支持力度。对战略性新兴产业领域制造业企业 当年入库税收4000万(含)—1亿元、1亿(含)—2亿元、2亿(含)—3亿元、3亿元以上的企业给予奖励,奖励额度参照其形成地方综合贡献度超基数部分额度分等级确定,基数对应四 个等级分别按上年入库税收及当年人代会预算增幅外加5个点、 3个点、2个点、0个点计算,最高奖励2000万元;数字经济核心产业制造业企业第一等级奖励门槛可降低至3000万元(含)。

15. Lend more financial support. The reward will be granted respectively to the manufacturing enterprises of the strategic emerging industries which pay the taxes ranging from RMB 40 million (including RMB 40 million) to RMB 100 million, from RMB 100 million (including RMB 100 million) to RMB 200 million, from RMB 200 million (including RMB 200 million) to RMB 300 million or above RMB 300 million, and on the basis of the excess amount beyond the basic comprehensive contributions to local economy, which is classified into four categories, the amount of such reward is defined by the paid-in tax of the previous year and the increase of NCP budget of that year, plus 5%, 3%, 2% and 0% according to the different levels, and up to a maximum of RMB 20 million; the required paid-in tax for the key manufacturing enterprise in digital economic sector could be lowered to RMB 30 million (including RMB 30 million)

16.强化产业用地保障。各地年度新增建设用地指标安排使 用和土地供应上,应优先保障战略性新兴产业用地,“3+12”核心产业平台要确保每年新增的战略性新兴产业用地占全部新增工业用地的50%以上,对平台每年新增战略性新兴产业用地占比达到60%70%以上的,各地要分别给予平台当年战略性新兴产业用地数5%10%的用地指标奖励。五大重点战略性新兴产业的 市区企业,以出让形式新增的确属发展前景较好,但目前亩产 税收贡献不大的产业用地,在按政府土地出让合同、投资合同 约定的建设时间进度如期建设的前提下,不考虑亩均税收,给予 城镇土地使用税三免两减半优惠照顾(前三年全免、后二年减半 征收);减免税起始年度按税法规定的城镇土地使用税纳税义务 发生时间当月所属年度确定,当年实际享受不满6个月的,经企 业申请,递延至次年开始享受。

16. Strengthen the protection for the land utilization. The construction land made available each year shall be first supplied to the projects of strategic emerging industries, the “3+12” platform shall ensure that the newly added land quota for the projects of strategic emerging industries each year account for 50% of all the newly added land quotas, and for the platform with the newly added land quota for the projects of strategic emerging industries each year accounting for more than 60% or 70% of all its newly added land quotas, the local government shall reward such platform with 5% or 10% of the value of the land quota for the strategic emerging industries. For the enterprises of five major strategic emerging industries and located within the City, which newly acquire the transferred land “with great potential yet with low tax contribution per mu of land currently”, then under the prerequisite that all the constructions are carried out as per the schedule stated in the government land transfer contract or investment contract, such enterprises will receive, regardless of their tax contributions per mu of land, the preferential treatment in terms of the urban land use tax: the tax will be exempted for the first three years and halved for the next two years; the starting year of such preferential tax treatment is defined as the year when such tax is supposed to be paid as prescribed by the tax law, and if there are less than 6 months for the enterprise to enjoy such preferential tax treatment in that year, then the enterprise could apply for receiving such treatment in the following year.



1. The source of fund for the rewards and subsidies. Unless specified in the Policies as disbursed by the municipal government, all these rewards and subsidies shall be disbursed by the relevant department in the existing fiscal system.

2.适用对象。本政策新增条文内容适用于市区范围内2018 11日至20201231日的奖补对象,所指企业为注册地和财政收入在温州市区范围内具有独立法人资格的企业,台 资、外资企业享受同等待遇。房地产企业(项目)均不享受本政 策全部条款。除条款有明确指出外,原则上行政单位不作为奖补 对象。战略性新兴产业企业、项目、平台等,由市发改委会同市 统计局、属地发改局和统计局,依据《温州市重点发展产业指导 目录(2018 年本)》(温发改产〔201864 号)等文件进行认定。

2. The subjects eligible for the Policies. The newly added items in the Policies are applicable to the subject located within the City and eligible for the reward and subsidies from Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2020, the enterprises referred above are those registering and reaping their profits in the downtown area of Wenzhou and having independent legal personalities, the enterprises invested by Taiwanese or by those from other countries are eligible for the same preferential treatments. The Policies are not applicable to real estate enterprises (projects). Unless specified by the Policies otherwise, the administrative unit, in principle, will not be eligible for the reward or subsidy. The enterprise, project and platform of the strategic emerging industries shall be recognized by the Wenzhou Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, together with the Municipal Bureau of Statistics, local Commission of Development and Reform and local Bureau of Statistics in accordance with the Wenzhou Key Development Industry Guidance Catalogue (2018) (Issued by Wenzhou Municipal Commission of Development and Reform (2018) No. 64) and other relevant documents.

3.关于重复、叠加和进等奖励。同一项目符合本政策两项或 两项以上扶持条款的,可执行最高额,但不重复享受。同一企业 不同项目符合本政策两项或两项以上扶持条款的,可叠加执行。 同一企业以同一名义(项目)在区级(含市级功能区)获得财政 奖励后又获得更高等次奖励认定的,各级已奖励部分视作已配 套,不足部分按照上级有关规定予以补足。同一奖项(认定)在 低等次已作奖励的,晋升到高等次时,只奖励差额部分。本政策 与市级其他政策对同一个企业(项目)的同类型奖励出现重合时, 执行最高额,不重复享受。

3. The addition, accumulation and scaling-up of the rewards. If the same project meets two or more of the provisions of the Policies, then the reward with the highest amount will be granted for such project while the rewards with less amounts will be no longer available. The different projects of an enterprise, which meet two or more of the provisions of the Policies, are respectively eligible for these rewards. The enterprise, which has already gained the access to the reward disbursed by the government of district (or functional area) or city for one project, later becomes eligible for the same reward at higher level, then the acquired reward will be counted into the amount of such reward at higher level and the balance will be compensated in accordance with the regulations of the government at higher level. The subject, which has already been rewarded (or recognized with certain qualification) at the lower level and then becomes eligible for the reward at the higher level, will only be eligible for the balance between the rewards at lower and higher levels. The enterprise (project), which is eligible for both the rewards specified in the Policies and other rewards made available by the municipal government, will become eligible only for the reward with the highest amount.

4.关于部分名词的界定。本政策凡涉及“500 ”“100 等排名表述的,均以上年度排名为准。地方综合贡献度指企业实现的增加值、营业收入、利润总额所形成的地方留成部分(规费除外)、人才贡献、科技创新投入、就业贡献等。ABCDE 类人才参照市委人才工作领导小组最新发布的《温州市高层次人才分类 目录》,由市委人才办认定。“3+12”核心产业平台指温州高新区(浙南科技城)、瓯江口产业集聚区和浙南产业集聚区(经开区)、瓯海经济开发区、乐清经济开发区、平阳经济开发区、瑞安经济开发区、鹿城轻工业产业园与中国鞋都产业园、苍南工业园、乐清工业园、永嘉工业园、温州空港新区、洞头大门海洋经济示范区都市型功能区、文成生态产业园、苍南龙港新城开发区。五大平台指温州高新区(浙南科技城)、浙南产业集聚区、瓯江口产业集聚区、温州市大学科技园、生命健康小镇。独角兽企业指新经济领域国际权威榜单认定的独角兽企业或成立时间原则上不超过10年,获得过股权投资且尚未上市,市场估值超过10亿美元的高速成长型创业企业。

4. Definition of some terms. All the expressions regarding the rankings in the Policies such as the “Top 500” and “Top 100” etc. shall be subject to the rankings of the previous year. The “comprehensive contribution to the local economy” refers to the enterprises’ added values, operation revenues, part of the total profit retainable to the local government (excluding the fees required by the government), talents contribution, R&D investment and jobs created etc. The talent classified as the level A, B, C, D or E shall be recognized by the Talent Office of CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee as per the Wenzhou High-level Talent Classification Catalogue newly released by the Talent Works Leading Team of CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee. The “3+12” key industrial platforms refer to Wenzhou High-tech Zone (Zhenan Technology City), Ou Estuary Industrial Cluster and Zhenan Industrial Cluster (Economic Development Zone), Ou Estuary Economic Development Zone, Leqing Economic Development Zone, Pingyang Economic Development Zone, Rui’an Economic Development Zone, Lucheng Light Industrial Park and China Shoe Industrial Park, Cangnan Industrial Park, Yueqing Industrial Park, Yongjia Industrial Park, Wenzhou Airport New Area, Urban Functional Area of Dongtou Damen Marine Economic Demonstration Zone, Wencheng Ecological Industrial Park and Cangnan Longgang New City Development Zone. The “five major platforms” refer to Wenzhou High-tech Zone (Zhenan Technology City), Zhenan Industrial Cluster, Ou Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou University Science and Technology Park and Wenzhou Health Town. The “unicorn enterprise” refers to the enterprise included in the internationally authoritative listings of such enterprise in economic circle or the one which has been founded for less than 10 years, acquired equity investment, not gone public yet, valued more than USD 1 billion and been growing fast.

5.本政策自印发之日起施行,有效期至20201231日, 相关实施细则另行制定。本政策由中共温州市委、温州市人民政 府负责解释,具体工作由市委办公室、市政府办公室商市发改委 等部门承担。本政策施行过程中如遇上级有法律法规和重大政策 变化,本政策也作相应调整。

5. The Policies shall come into force on the date of issuance, and remain valid until December 31, 2020, and the specific measures of implementation shall be formulated separately. The Policies shall be interpreted by the CPC Wenzhou municipal Committee and the People’s Government of Wenzhou, and the specific works shall be undertaken by the Office of CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee, the Office of Municipal Government and the Municipal Commission of Development and Reform. The Policies is subject to adjustment corresponding to any adjustment of the law, regulation or policy at higher level.

6.各县(市)应参照本政策整合制定相应的政策文件,且政策力度应不低于本政策。各县(市)政策文件须在201812 31日前出台,并上报市政府备案。

6. The government of each county (city) shall formulate its own policies based on the Policies, which shall provide the preferential treatments at least as favorable as those specified in the Policies, and shall be issued before Dec 31, 2018 and filed with the municipal government.


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